How Diluting Lips Without Surgery

How Diluting Lips Without Surgery . For those of you who have thick lips and feel less confident with your thick lips , maybe you could try diluting some way below the lips without surgery and of course without any cost at all .

How to attenuate the lips is often times done so that the lips can look more sensual . But now there are so many ways you can do includes instant way is by taking a step operation . We know that the operation is expensive and also can give side effects . But of course there are also natural ways that can be done .

How Diluting Lips Without Surgery

Speaking of diluting the lips , it is not easy . Because the shape of the lips is a natural form that has been taken since birth . However there are also people with thick lips trying to form a variety of ways to thin lips . Well , here are some ways to attenuate the lips without surgery steps you can take .

- You can compress your lips with ice cubes regularly every morning , this way you can pursed lips muscles so that over time your lips can look even thinner .

- Do exercises the lip muscles , so your lips will be tightened so that the effects can you get thin lips .

- Do not get used to fold the seeds into the mouth , because this practice can actually thicken the lips .

As for how to get thin lips by way of disguise , for more details see below.

- The use of lipstick that matches the shape of your lips and do not choose the colors tend to be dark . So try choosing colors like lipstick lip color original .

- Perform framing lip pencil with older color

- Avoid using lipsticks that are too shiny and too much oily .

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 05 Juni 2014 1 komentar
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18 September 2019 pukul 08.19

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